This Link will take you to the online reservation form to fill out the details of your event, collect deposit and then hit submit.

YES!! YES!! YES!!!

Animals love attention. 🙂

This is great for the animals to gain love, attention, and affection from your guests.

You wouldn’t ignore your dog or cat? then why ignore ponies and petting zoo farm animals??

The animals are able to interact with different people every month… this makes for happier animals!!

Ponies and Horses are designed to work or feel needed. By being able to provide a ride to your child or their friends, this is an accomplishment to the pony’s. Just like riding a horse on a trail ride, or going to a competition, they love the different smells, interactions, and training they receive. And at the end of the day when they get home and receive their treats, they know that they did good!!

Petting Zoo farm animals are just like your dog or cat. They thrive on attention, kind petting and lovings from both children and adults. This keeps them trusting humans, loving life, not bored, and entertained!!

So please dont feel bad for the animals. Not only are they happy & treated right at home with the greenest grass, large running space, fresh water, and weekly baths before events to be sparkly clean…. , they get a bonus other animals are missing out on… YOU & YOUR GUESTS LOVE, AFFECTION AND ATTENTION EVENT AFTER EVENT!!


the interactive and educational yet fun farm animals 🙂

1) No riding double- 1 child at a time on a pony. (insurance policy)

2) Please do not allow the children (or parents) to run around, under, behind or in front of the ponies. We ask that all children line up in a line and wait for their turn, this will help us not be delayed in walking the ponies so each child can enjoy riding the ponies.


NO Dogs near ponies: dogs may be very dangerous as they nip, bark and chase ponies so please keep them locked up.

NO “Guns”, Balloons(or balloon artists), Trash or Hitting near or on ponies. (*not limited to)

4)Riding Ponies & Animals require a 5 to 10-minute break every hour. Please have water hose easily accessible.

5) Weight limit:

Medium ponies: No child over 75/85 lbs

Smaller ponies: No child over 60 Lbs.


Our insurance requires weight limits/restrictions on the ponies. This way our handlers/volunteers are able to physically and as safely plus humanly possible take a child off in the case where the kid(s) may need to be taken off immediately, they will be able to try to do so in a prompt manner. it is a safety measure we must obey. Older/larger children or adults are more than welcome to pet the pony’s and snap selfies with them.. Just ask the pony handler.


Children must be at least the age of 1 yrs old to ride a pony .

Smaller children need to have parent/guardian or adult walk with them next to ponies and help hold the child.

Smaller children (typically 4yrs and under) do not have the balance that older children have, so please help us hold your baby.

Failure to do so is the parent/guardian’s own fault.

7) Space Requirements / Recommendation :

We do need some walking room for the ponies of at least 12×12, bigger is better!!

Ponies can walk on dirt, driveway, asphalt, grass,concrete… can walk in back yards, flat drive ways, cul-de-sac, dirt paths, etc…

Pony’s should not walk on rocks, deep sand, slope’s or ice.

8)Parents/Adults are required to put/lift children ON AND OFF the pony. Parent or Adult is to hold-onto children while on ponies.

9)Smaller children must have adult/parent hold onto them during the pony rides. Please remember that your toddler is young and possibly wearing a diaper.. and diapers wobble. Please hold your baby on the pony. They trust you also.

10) No feeding the animals. We do not want a finger to get caught in the mouth or the pony fed a poisonous plant.

The Special Appearance Unicorn(s) are NOT for riding or sitting on, we strive to preserve the “truth”, “magic” & “beauty” of a "Real" unicorn.

They ARE for meeting/greeting guests, photo opportunities, and petting.

We believe if you put equipment onto a unicorn (such as a saddle, pad, tack, etc), you just ruined the whole reason you hired a unicorn. We want our Unicorns to look and represent what a "real" unicorn may closely look like in a Magical Unicorn forest.

Unicorn rentals are great for surprising that special Unicorn Lover in your family, Pictures, Petting Opportunities, and experiencing a "Unicorn".... Our Unicorn rentals are more like a Character rental. You wouldn't expect children to mount and ride batman or a Disney princess... It is the same idea with our unicorn.. its an experience and opportunity to enjoy the beauty of a unicorn.

If you want children to ride something, please hire a riding pony or two to attend at your party with the Unicorn!

We ask that only 1 child at a time pet, snap pics and enjoy the unicorn. Its simple, the children can line up and take turns enjoying their magical moment with the Unicorn. And ofcourse, not treats are allowed to be fed to the Unicorn, we dont what to upset her tummy.


No dangerous activities around the animals/rentals. (please be thoughtful when planning/decorating)

No Dogs.

No bounce Houses near by.

No balloons that can pop.

No Noisy items & No loud music.

No streamers or banners or other items that can be whipped around in the wind to scare or hit an animal.

All Rentals must be placed/located at your location where Barnyard On Wheels agrees to put them, we have the first and final say on where they go.

Working water facet/sink/hose must be on location and easily found to give animals water.

You must provide shade/tent during hot or rainy days.

All verbal rules given by our staff/animal handlers and written/posted rules at your location must be followed or Barnyard On Wheels reserves all rights to stop services or pack up with out a refund at any time.

READ and FOLLOW our “Preparation” page here regarding specific details/information on each rental you hire and their requirements to attend your event:

Dog policy:

Please keep all dogs and any other animals restrained or put away during the event. If there is a loose dog the ponies or animals will be stopped until the dog is away. Excited or intimidating dogs that rush at animals can be a serious safety hazard. This is for the safety of the children and the dog.

Unfortunately NO, you can not alter your scheduled time frame with us (for example, booked for 2 hours), or deduct a service once you have booked with us. Why? you might ask….

Great Question….. We do not deduct our services from what you originally booked with us because we have already committed those services to you. If you request the petting farm animals, and we reserve this rental just to attend your party, then you request to not have the petting farm at your party… That is not only unfair to us, but it is unfair to all the other clients who had called in and requested that those cute petting farm be apart of their special celebration and were denied as Backyard on Wheels designated them just for your event.

Please remember that you agreed to our terms upon booking:

I understand that Requesting a Change or alteration to my reservation after finishing this booking agreement is not an option. Such requests would be; requesting to change my party date / time or reducing original time frame booked or reducing service(s) you originally selected with Backyard on Wheels. If I need to add additional services (upon my written request via email or text) & Backyard on Wheels approves, I may upgrade and add those services requested. Upgraded services would include adding more riding pony(s), adding more time with the animals or the petting farm animals to your party (Please see Q & A on our website for details)

Yes, I will not request Backyard on Wheels to deduct service(s), alter time frame (such as 2-4 to 2-3) or alter date/Time that I booked with Backyard on Wheels. If I need to add additional services, I will write a request and wait for the approval.

We strive to arrive 30 minutes prior to your scheduled time to set up. (if you require an earlier setup time, there is an add-on fee of $50 per 1/2 hour for this) Our advance setup time does not affect your reserved time slot. If you booked for 1 hour, we will stay for the 1 hour reserved (unless notified otherwise). Your party will start either when the first animal is petted, the first picture with the unicorn and child is taken &/or the first pony ride is given. The setup area needs to be where we can pull our truck and trailer directly to the area. Special requests such as set up in backyards through gates or complicated to get to areas will incur an add-on fee of $50 for the time it will take our staff to accomplish this.

For the petting zoo: we bring out hay and water buckets for the animals to eat and drink from. We do not allow anyone to feed the animals. allowing anyone to feed an animal makes the animals think that they are dependent upon a child to get their food from. this can make any animal bossy, pushy and snappy. by allowing the animals to eat out of their food bucket, they will not endanger a child by jumping on them or nipping at their hands thinking that they are their food source. It is just like your dog at the dinner table, if you hand feed your dog when you eat, then they will begin to snap at your hand anytime your eating to get a bite, the dog may jump on you or your kitchen table, become pushy and knock you down. We dont want this to happen to any child or adult.

Due to POISONOUS PLANTS; event IF we were able to allow the kids to feed the animals; their would be a much higher risk of a child “plucking” off leaves from a surrounding plant that may be very TOXIC to the animals. Children are very fast at times, and we do not want to chance having one of our animals poisoned to death. This is another reason why we let the animals eat only the food we bring to your event and do not allow anyone to feed them. We love our animals like you love your children 🙂 for the ponys: Same thing but with bigger teeth. we dont want a kid to put their hand by a pony’s mouth and have our pony think that it is food(carrot). this is why we provide feed for the ponys in thier horse trailer to and from events. they have water to drink from.

If you would really like to give the animals a treat..ex. carrots, apples, etc. Feel free to give a bag to your supervisor or animal handler. We will give the treats to the animals once they are in the trailer after your event and they wont associate kids at an event with food to snap at. The animals do love treats, so feel free to provide extra goodies to the animals after they did a great job at your event! 🙂

1) Please CONTACT US by email : [email protected] to check our current availability

For a faster response send us a text message at (757) 907 7613 as we may be with a client, attending a party/event, out of the office or caring for the animals

We need the following information inorder to help you:

Party/Event date & time frame needed

How long you will book the animal for (1 hour, 2 hours, etc)

Event address/location

What rental(s) do you need?

What is this booking for?
(ex. birthday party, school event, church holiday event, photography session, etc)

Unfortunately, we are unable to work or donate any time for free. As much as we love to interact with the children, educate both kids and adults about the farm animals at every event possible; we are not in a position during this hard economy to do so. Animals are a non stop cost. Although we try to have a “party” time with the kids and at events…. we also rescue, rehabilitate and aid in the retirement of farm animals at our facility. This in itself is a full time job with high costs to do so. Plus, we educate non stop about animals, their well being, proper care, etc.

An great option that works for others, is to request money from an sponsor or sponsors. These people, organizations, companies..etc can sponsor our animals to be at your special event and in many times they receive a special thank you either from an announcement during the event, or banner, or in the brochure, etc. We can also put their banner on our zoo panels that they provide, etc.

Of course, Barnyard on Wheels would be more than happy to send a shout out to all our email list, on our twitter and Facebook pages, and on our website to thank the sponsor(s) for their support to kids and animals!!!! 🙂

This way it is a win-win situation. The animals are still able to be properly cared for feed, veterinarian care, proper farm facility to live at, etc… and the sponsor receives advertisement and a write off also 🙂

Or If you have a budget & price range, we can see what package works for your event.

This way Barnyard on Wheels can attend with the fun party animals, without hurting either party financially.

We attend all kinds of different events - photography sessions - filming/production and more!

Get out of the ORDINARY and do something different than your typical party planning routine...

We are your specialized party rental provider for your child’s

BIG birthday bash OR Activity provider for children Entertainment at Larger Events.


Birthday Parties, Surprise Visits/appearances, Schools (Public, Academies, Daycare, etc), Community Events, Senior Citizen & nursing home Visits (Yes, We are certified in Animal Assisted Therapy for Humans), Church Events, Holiday Events (Easter, Nativities, etc), Employee or Client Appreciation Days, local farmer’s markets, Corporate Events & Team Building, local businesses (ex. Grand Openings) Harvest Festivals, amusement parks, festivals, fundraisers, wedding receptions, engagement parties, graduation parties, anniversaries, conventions and much more!

Dont forget to surprise mom on Mothers Day or Dad on Fathers Day with their favorite animals, whether its a Unicorn or Llama.... we would love to be apart of your special day!

You can Hire our animals to be in your next family Photography Session!

We recommend that you book as soon as possible if you know your event or parties date & time and immediately after we CONFIRMED our availability. Barnyard on Wheels is on a “first booked, First served” basis. As we are a very popular business…. You might want to book sooner, than regret it later.

Note: Backyard on Wheels can not & will not hold a date & time WITHOUT our online reservation booking form being completed and/or the deposit being paid.

Deposit & Payment Information:

Hours of Operation

** During the Hot months (MAY, JUNE, JULY & AUGUST )

we must be able to give the animals a break from work if needed.


Before 11:30 am and after 6pm is when the animals can attend. We do reserve the right to adjust time as needed to accommodate the welfare and comfort of the animals on hotter days.

A Water hose nearby to provide fresh water.

We cannot work when it is hot with the farm animals, they get hot fast and we don’t want anyone to become ill.

Bunnies are not guaranteed for your party if it is too hot outside.

The best time for the farm is later in the evening around 6/7pm & Later or earlier in the morning before noon.

We reserve all rights for the safety of our animals and to ensure you have a quality time at your event with the animals.

WINTER MONTHS: Any time is good.

We keep our prices low. our hourly rates (typically) include transportation, set up & clean up, Decorations on riding ponies to closely match your party theme or event colors, clean cute animals, pony & petting farm animal handlers, and professionalism.

This is why we personally compare our services and prices to any competitors to make sure you are getting the best deal and safest, cleanest animals in town!

WE ARE WORTH IT!! = Safety, Fun, Quality, Experience, Educational and ZERO accident ratio + Themed riding ponies and celebrity farm animals as seen on ANIMAL PLANET, DISCOVERY, WELDER UP, TANKED, COMMERCIALS, MUSIC VIDEOS & BILLBOARDS!!

Unfortunately NO at this time..

We try to keep our prices low and the same for EVERYONE... no favoritism going on here as every client is important to us!

With the rise of cost of feeding animals( hay and grains), veterinarian costs, farrier costs, Gas Costs, Handlers time, Insurance costs, facility/Farm costs, decoration costs, truck and trailer maintenance and tires costs, and so much more (which does not include our time with the animals 7 days a week; feeding, cleaning, washing, buying food, scrubbing buckets, care and so much more!!) We can not give any discounts out at this time. We are doing everything possible to make sure you have the best farm animals and we are trying to not raise our prices on everyone because of the tough economy..we cant do this without our set prices listed on our website. We hope you understand that we care for animals while being an interactive learning opportunity to children at your event … offerings, it helps both children and animals!!

thanks for your support and understanding.

If you have a budget & price range,please let us know. We will come up with what package may work for your events budget.


We can still attend your event, even if the weather is somewhat crazy! We can put the animals in your garage, covered patio or tent that you provide.

Rescheduling due to inclement weather (hail , lightning or flood) on the day of the booked event is allowed only if the client notifies us at least 48 hours prior to their scheduled event and before we are traveling to the event. Rescheduling requests will be based on our best judgment of the weather situation.

There is no refunding a deposit; however UPON OUR BEST JUDGEMENT & DETERMINED BY THE CIRCUMSTANCE, if approved, Backyard on Wheels will allow an event or party to be rescheduled to an alternative date in the future because of inclement weather (hail, tornado, hurricane, etc) with advanced warning.

We do require 48 hour advance notice to postpone & reschedule. Your depost will be transferrable to a future date & time (that we have available on our schedule). You have 1 year (365 days) from your original event date reserved with us to use the deposit.

If we have already loaded animals or are in route to your event or have arrived at the location or are on site setting up/working the event, the deposit is non-refundable/non-transferable and any payments collected are non-refundable/non-transferable. Request to reschedule with less than 48-hour notice will require a new deposit to be made.

All reschedules are based on our availability.

We require a shaded grassy area if it is hot outside or raining for the animals. If you do not have grass for the animals, let us know, we will bring our fake grass. (notify us in advance if you need this) Don’t worry, if you do not have grass, either dirt, small pebbles, concrete (with our fake grass) are all fine for the farm animals.

PETTING ZOO SET UP- a space at least 12×12 or 12×24 depending on the size zoo we will be providing for your event.

Any age is fine for the petting zoo, if the child is small, please have an adult/parent accompany the child with the animals.

There is an animal handler with the farm animals to clean up, provide water, help ensure everyone is offered antibacterial hand sanitizer (we provide), and to answer any questions the children or parents may have. If a child would like the animal handler to hold a smaller critter so the child(ren) may get a closer look & pet, please ask the handler and we would be more than happy to do so.

Petting Farm animals are not for Riding. No child/attendee is able to mount the farm animals. Only the riding ponies wearing equipment such as saddles and handled by our handlers are for riding. --> You can add riding ponies to your package.

Please don’t allow your guest or children to hit, kick, pick up, squeeze, chase or poke at the farm friends…..

unfortunately, our insurance does NOT allow the animals to be hand-fed ( no treats). Insurance does not want a child to be bitten while offering food to an animal or to have the animal jump onto the child who has food. This helps keep the zoo experience safer for your family. We do bring food for the animal to eat out of their food containers.

Our petting zoo is an experience & exhibit. The animals are put into our portable fencing and your guests can either reach through or over the fencing to pet. We do not allow anyone into the pens, especially with the medium to larger animals as this can be dangerous if a child decides to chase - hit - poke - climb on top or climb under the animals causing them to jump - spook- or run into another child trying to escape. Also, staying on the outside of the pen helps guests not to accidentally step into feces if an animal were to relieve themselves as a child is near the rear end. And yes, we do clean up after the animals as they go potty.


Where does the truck & trailer need to be located at an event?

Does it just drop everything off and then park somewhere else and then come back and pack up at the end of the time?


The Truck and trailer have to stay as close to where the set up/pack up location is.

If we move the truck away from the setup area, then we will have to interrupt your event and struggle to get your guests to move their vehicles in order for us to re-park to pack up. This may cause us a longer time to pack up which would mean an inconvenience fee would be added to compensate for that added time it unnecessarily took us to accomplish this.

Please make sure that the truck and trailer can pull as close to the setup area and pack up area as possible to avoid an added fee of $50.

We set up directly next to the trailer or you'll pay a fee for the added time it takes our staff to wrangle all the animals into your back yard or complicated area. (if it is approved to begin with)

Note From Backyard on Wheels: Fortunately we have never had an incident or accident with a child and pony in a long time we have been serving parents and their children in pony rides and petting zoo animals. But please understand that there are some risk involve just like allowing your child to swim in a pool or jump in a bounce house or driving in a car, or riding their bike on the sidewalk and even when they go to school. We believe in informing parents, and any company who does not tell you everything is hiding something.

This is a typical release warning/waiver that you would read and/or sign if you were to go on a guided trail ride, or take riding lessons, or even go to show grounds where horses are! Don’t let this scare you.


I, we, as a guardian/parent, supervisor,or responsible party, acknowledge the risks and potential risks of horseback/pony riding, including risk of bodily injury or death resulting from kicks and bites, falling off horse/pony or horse/pony falling on rider, being dragged by a foot caught in the stirrups, being thrown by horse/pony, equipment failure or collision with horses/pony or vehicles or other inanimate objects. I hereby, intending to be legally bound for myself, my child(ren),my heirs and assigns, executors or administrators, waive and release forever all claims for damages against Backyard on Wheels , its board of directors, instructors, therapists, volunteers and/or Employees for any and all injuries and/or losses I may sustain as a result of use of Backyard on Wheels on the property, equipment, or facilities.

Ride At Own Risk.

Riding Helmet is recommended. IF you choose not to have your child wear a helmet, then you waive all rights and assume all risks

For Pony Rentals, we typically arrive 30 minutes early for setup.

For Petting Zoo Rentals, we typically arrive 30 minutes early for setup.

For a combination of Pony Rides & Petting Zoo Rentals, we typically arrive 40-50 minutes early for set up.

For a Special Appearance animal rental (ex. Unicorn or Llama or Easter Animals or Donkey), we typically arrive 20-30 minutes early for setup.

If you need for us to arrive extra early, you will be billed accordingly for the extra time our staff and the animals are waiting around at your party/event..